10 Reasons Men Are So Loveable
- You almost never have to spoon feed them mushy cereal.
- When they fall down, they can usually get up on their own.
- They CAN be left alone...but only for short periods of time.
- It actually is FUN when they get messy . . . with your help.
- They CAN dress themselves, you just don't want to take them out that way
- They don't whine and whine about having to go someplace they don't want to - oh wait a second . . . hehe . . . nevermind.
- They are EASY to put to bed.
- Their shoe size doesn't change every two months.
- They almost never wake-up when you make a little noise near them (in fact, you can clang cymbols, ring phones, set off alarms and maybe even drop bombs)
- Two words - TRASH DAY
Submitted By: Anonymous
Mar 19, 1999 12:50