Why AOL Raised Their Rates

Sure, AOL is a money machine. But even the online giant needs an extra boost to the bottom line once in a while. Here's why:
  1. Pay off the settlement to Tim McVeigh
  2. Severance for CompuServe employees
  3. Need to raise money to buy Netscape
  4. Steve Case is jealous of Larry Ellison's fighter jet
  5. Have to pay the fee to the guys who creamed Bill Gates in Belgium
  6. AOL programmers are all requesting "interns"
  7. Need money to pay James Earl Jones to record a new version of "You've got mail"
  8. Hiring bouncers for the chat rooms
  9. El Nino
  10. Because they can

Submitted By: Mike Haddad
Feb 13, 1998 11:09

This joke is rated: G