Hilary Is Pregnant

Hillary Clinton went in for her yearly checkup and when she was finished, she asked her gynecologist how things looked. He said that he was pleased and that she is in great shape, and happily announced that she was also one month pregnant.

She told the doctor that there was no way she could be pregnant, but the doctor insisted.

Hillary stormed out of the office, went to the receptionist and asked to call the White House. When the operator answered, she explained that it was Hillary and that she needed to talk with Bill right away.

The operator rang the oval office, Bill answered and Hillary said, "I can't believe it! I'm pregnant! You got me pregnant!"
The President remained silent.
Again, Hillary screamed, "I am pregnant! You got me pregnant!"
Finally Bill answered, "Who is this?"

Submitted By: Anonymous
Apr 15, 1999 13:59

This joke is rated: PG