The Priest And The Hare

Father Pat and Father Mike were riding down the highway with Father Pat at the wheel. Father Pat had the pedal to the metal when suddenly a rabbit jumped up onto the highway right in front of the car.

Though he did everything he could to miss the little bunny, including throwing the car into a spinning locked brakes slide (and almost tipping the car over with this maneuver), it was to no avail; the bunny bought the big one. Both priests jumped out of the car, ran back to the rabbit to see if there was anything that could be done, but alas, it appeared that the rabbit was gone. Never wanting to give up so long as there was a ghost of a chance, Father Pat pulled a bottle out of his pocket and, making the sign of the cross, sprinkled a few drops of liquid on the still body of the rabbit. Instantly it jumped up and started waving its little front paws like crazy.

Father Mike looked at Father Pat and said, "It is a miracle!" The rabbit stood there and continued to wave at them. Since it appeared that nothing else was needed, the two priests returned to the car and Father Pat continued down the road. Father Mike kept looking out the back window and for as long as he could see the rabbit, it was still standing there, waving at them.

When the rabbit was out of sight, Father Mike sat back and considered the sequence of events. Finally his curiousity got the best of him and he said, "Father Pat, just exactly what was in that bottle?"

In response, Father Pat pulled the bottle out of his pocket once more and handed it to Father Mike, who read the label: "Hair Restorer with Permanent Wave!"

Submitted By: Anonymous

This joke is rated: PG
Tags: Animals