Science Fair Entries

My brother sent me some photos of the Bartlesville Area Science Fair and the Oklahoma State Science Fair. Here are some highlights:

A project which lists its procedure as, "Smear lard onto the windshield of both the toy car and the toy truck. Weigh them to find out the amount of lard on the windshield."

Does Hair Color Affect Blood Pressure? a project which refers to people with blond or light brown hair as "light headed."

a project he saw at district which WENT ON TO STATE and has the hypothesis, "The solar system is made up of nine planets, the sun, several moons, and billions of stars." [billions of stars?!] Ben said he thought the conclusion should have been, "All the planets except Earth are made of styrofoam."

People and Cats and Their Feelings, illustrated with photos captioned, "This is a cat playing with an icecube." "This is a cat having a lot of fun." [It's backed up against a glass sliding door, looking very cold.] and "This is a lady in a spa not having fun."

"The conclusion I reached was my turtle is strongly attracted to a blue light but will not always go to a blue light."

"Before my plant accidentally died, first it growed down, then it started growing up."

a project to see in which liquid a wind-up toy can move in most easily, using water, vinegar, orange juice, and Mr. Clean

Is Air Matter? [some sort of test with a balloon]

What Goes Up? [a study of nasal sprays]

None of these, however, can top the project that was next to mine when I went to the state sci fair: a guy from Wetumka, OK, who had "proved" that humans can't create a superconductor. He tried to make one by putting some ceramic bathroom tiles in his freezer, then smearing various substances (mayonnaise, Desitin, etc.) on them and seeing if they would hold an electrical charge.

Submitted By: Anonymous

This joke is rated: PG
Tags: Science list